Monday, March 30, 2009
virus detection
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a defense system, which detects malicious activities in a network. One feature of intrusion detection systems is their ability to detect or provide a view of malicious activities and issues by notifying or block a assumed connection. IDS tools are capable of distinguishing between attacks coming from own employees or customers and attacks posed by hackers. An intrusion Detection Systems has its core element a sensor (an analysis engine) that is responsible for detecting intrusions. It has decision making mechanisms is called sensor that receive raw data from knowledge base, system log and audit trail sources. The role of sensor is to filter information and discard any irrelevant data obtained from the event set associated with the protected system. Intrusion detection systems can be arranged as centralized or distributed. A distributed IDS consists of multiple Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) over a large network, which communicate with each other. This survey report discusses the security issues at cluster based security management. In node level security management each node is responsible for securing itself. MANET routing protocols can be divided into proactive and imprudent categories. Both proactive and reactive protocols can suffer from control packet floods caused by malicious nodes.