Viruses, worms and Trojan horses are different versions of harmful programs
that can infect the software running on your notebook or corrupt your data. For
the purposes of this document, we will mainly refer to viruses. When discussing
viruses, worms and Trojans collectively, we will use the term “malicious software.”
WhaT is a virus?
A virus is a program that propagates itself by infecting programs on the computer
or by replicating itself across a network, often taking advantage of an email client
to do so. If your notebook becomes infected with a virus, it can cause problems
ranging from the annoying, such as pop-ups randomly appearing on your screen,
to the devastating, such as loss of critical data or files.
WhaT is a Worm?
A worm is a self-replicating program that resides in active memory. Worms dupli-
cate using parts of the operating system that are usually invisible to the user. The
symptoms can be slower system performance and the slowing or halting of other
system tasks.
WhaT is a Trojan horse?
A Trojan horse masquerades as a benign program, but actually contains software
that can cause damage, such as a virus or a worm. A Trojan horse can also be
programmed to collect personal information, such as passwords, bank account
numbers and so on, by tracking computer activity. One of the most destructive
and common instances of a Trojan horse is a software program that claims to rid
a system of viruses, but instead introduces viruses to the computer.
hoW can my noTebook geT a virus?
Viruses, worms and Trojan horses typically gain access to a notebook through
files that are copied, downloaded or installed onto the computer. The most com-
mon avenue is through email attachments which, once opened, introduce the
virus or other malicious software to your system.
While the Internet has made the process of sharing files very easy, it has also
proved to be a medium for viruses and other malicious software to proliferate.
This is why it is so important to keep your notebook updated with the latest Win-
dows Update patches. For more on this, see below: “How can I prevent viruses
from infecting my notebook?”
hoW do i knoW if my noTebook is infecTed WiTh a virus?
Usually one of the first signs of virus infection is a sudden slowing of system
performance. Other signs may include: frequent system crashes, bizarre error
messages, a sudden proliferation of pop-up boxes or even your system restarting
itself without your involvement.
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Information Technology Services Policy Title: ITS Antivirus Policy