Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spy No More – Is It the Real Thing, or Just Another Fake?

If you have searched online for Spy No More, you have more than likely found mixed reviews. While some think it works great, others have had problems with the software. Spy No More once was a fake anti-spyware product, then supposedly made a turnaround to become a legitimate product. So, what should you do if you are thinking of purchasing this product yourself? We can't tell you, but here is more information you may be interested in.
There have been reviews of the product posted online and in forums. Some have purchased the product to scan their pc for spyware, with not so good results. The program did not totally remove the infections, and when the buyer attempted to contact the company he received no reply. This is an indication that this is probably not a product you want to spend your money on if you suspect that spyware is installed on your computer.
What exactly is spyware? It is software that gets placed on your pc without your knowledge or consent. Although you don't know when it is installed, you will know if you have it. How? You will be bombarded with pop-up and banner ads. Other common signs are a slow computer, changes to your browser or homepage, and browser redirection to strange websites. These aren't all of the symptoms, but the most common.
You may or may not notice that some of the ads that are displayed to you are related to searches you perform online. How can this be? This software tracks what you are doing when your surf on the internet – searches you perform, websites you visit, etc. They can collect this information in an effort to send ads that are targeted to your interests. This is usually an attempt to get you to purchase from the ads or spam emails you may receive.
You may think this doesn't sound too harmful. Most assuredly, it is. Spyware can also track personal information such as your passwords and business information. Millions of people use their credit card when shopping online, and this is absolutely not safe if your pc is infected with spyware. This is why you need a good program to remove it – and fast.
Anti-spyware products are designed to remove these infections and parasites. Can you use any software that claims it will remedy the problem? No. There are many fakes out there that will display security alerts to you. These programs will warn you that your pc is infected with viruses and other parasites, and that your security is threatened. This is simply a ploy to frighten you into purchasing their software to remedy the situation. Don't play their games. You will waste your money, and possibly have more malware placed on your pc.
Are there any products that are guaranteed to work, unlike Spy No More? While some do work, most don't totally remove the security threats you may have. When researching antispyware products find one that will remove 100% of viruses and other threats from your computer with just one scan.

Anti-spam and Anti-virus Email Filtering System “true Mail Software”

Truemail System antispam provides the most comprehensive solution to email threats on the market today. Our Antispam software allows you to create an email appliance, real or virtual server for your gateway offering protection from Viruses, Spam, Malware, Phishing and unwanted content. The solution uses best of breed technologies to provide an easily installed, easily managed and highly secure solution for your email.
The following Anti-spam and Antivirus features of True Mail System:-
Connection filtering :-

The configuration and management of IP Block lists, IP Allow lists, IP Block List providers, and IP Allow List providers have been improved by displaying each of these elements in the Exchange Management Console.
Content filtering:-
Truemail System Filter, which uses Microsoft SmartScreen patented machine-learning technology, is the underlying technology of the content filter that evaluates inbound messages and determines the probability of whether the messages are legitimate, fraudulent, or spam.In addition to scanning message content, Intelligent Message Filter consolidates data that is collected from connection filtering, sender filtering, recipient filtering.

Email Marketing

Nearly 80% of emails which circulate in the world are spams. Without any international legislation which would make it possible to fight effectively against the spammers, there is no reason that this percentage drops. The only parade thus resides in the increasingly strict filters imposed by the software and the waiters of transport. And that will have a concrete influence on working and the contents of Newsletters. The UIT (International Telecommunication Union) tries to set up legislative, technical and educational solutions to fight against the junk emails (spams) on a world level, but the task is far from being simple. In the United States for example, the spammers are more or less protected by a law "antispam" (sic!) from 2003 which, under the document in proof of the free trade, leaves them practically the free hands to continue...But the market will not wait until a legislation is set up to adapt to this invasion of offers of Viagra, of Rolex at unbeatable prices, financial investments not to miss, without forgetting the widow of the late president of the Nigerian Oil Company who needs assistance to leave his 120 billion dollars the country. The adaptation of the behaviors of the consumers and the new solutions antispam will have a direct influence on the possibilities of marketing which were established these last years around the messages with format HTML (which integrate a page-setting and images). Firstly, more and more, the companies configure their filters anti-sp@m not to more let pass from the messages which contain bonds on images placed on external waiters (potentially a bond activated by a collaborator can bring on a virus). Secondly, the last software of transport customer (Thunderbird, Outlook, Eudora, etc) is also configured automatically not to more post the images contained in the messages. It will be with the user to expressly activate this possibility for each new message. But how much people will try hard of it? Moreover, in order to fight against the "phishing" (which consists in deluding the users with a bond which does not bring on the good site), certain software inform if a hidden bond does not correspond to the address which indicated in the message. What reduces considerably confidence of the users and by there the rate of click. The reasons for which a message would not be delivered or is not posted are numerous. Between the filters antispam of the suppliers of access, the waiters of email which are subscribed with the black list of SpamCop, the installation by the consumers of third software (Norton AntiSpam, McAfee SpamKiller, etc) and to finish the filters of the software of transport which becomes increasingly strict. The Posting of the Images The filters which block the images will oblige the specialists in marketing by e-mail to privilege more and more this good old man format text. Page-settings will be certainly lighter in order to be able to integrate images which appear in the message as an enclosure and posted either on an external waiter. That makes it possible to guarantee a correct posting, even in the software of transport which does not post them automatically any more. It is always astonishing to note that certain sendings use images to post the most critical information (the title, the promotional offer, etc). Not only the consumers certainly will not try hard to click on the button "To post the images" and will never know which was this exceptional offer which was proposed to them. Moreover, one message which contains little real text vis-a-vis the images is highly likely to be made identify like spam and never not be delivered. The lack of external images (and the absence of automatic posting) will have an influence on the "reporting" of the statistics of opening of the messages. It is often an external image which is used to enter the rate of opening of the messages when one uses a solution of e-mail sending. The Posting of the Bonds The bonds which are posted in the messages also will become elements of which account should be held. The programs of transport start to integrate filters known as "ScamWatch" which inform the user if a bond of destination does not correspond to that which is posted. It is thus necessary particularly to pay attention to the manner of writing the bonds, because let us not forget that in the majority of the cases, the bonds initially bring on the waiter of the person receiving benefits in order to be able to enter the clicks before redirecting the visitor on the final page.With the generalization of the filters of this type, it will be increasingly difficult to generate bonds which bring confidence to the users, but who will allow also "monitorer" the rate of click. Solutions Unfortunately, few services in line of marketing by e-mail integrate these restrictions in their manner of sending the messages. They continue to propose solutions of messages to format HTML which place images and bonds which pass by their waiters. The effort was especially put on control antisp@m of the structure of the messages (contained textual) and on the negotiations with the principal suppliers of access to appear on the "white lists" (shippers which are authorized to pass through the filters). They should start to adapt their tools so that the solutions are imbricated around the waiter of email of the customer and his Web server. To use the waiters of the company makes it possible to sign the shipper clearly, to correctly authenticate the message by the filters antisp@m and to propose bonds "of confidence" in the messages. The recognition of the transmitter, the correct posting of the images and the bonds become as essential in the success of a campaign as the formulation of the message itself. By observing these rules, marketing by e-mail still has beautiful days in front of him, because it represents, towards and counters all, one of the interactive methods which offers the best rate of return.

Portable Easy GIF Animator Pro 4.5.033

The first step in your antispam campaign may well be to understand spam and how it works. Spam is usually defined as unsolicited e-mail that is delivered in bulk. It has become so prevalent because it's cheap, reaches the greatest number of folks in the least amount of time, and because it's unregulated. In the U.S. alone more than 50 million citizens are online, with their own Internet accounts. For spammers this is an ideal situation. Even were it not to work, there's virtually no punishment other than subsequent inability to spam until a way is found around it. And ways are constantly found around just about everything we do in our antispam campaign. That's not to say you shouldn't try though. Here are some of the things you can do: First, don't respond - not even to say, "Hey you not nice person, get off my computer." First, it's a waste of time. As soon as the first batch of spam has been sent that spammer may very well have deleted that email address. It'll just bounce back. The second is that you're not talking to a live person anyway. And any response, no matter how negative, is noted by their system as a response. What this means to the spamming system is, "Hey this guy is interested. He answered our message. Let's send him the second message." If you have a provider that lets you note spam then do so. Block it if you want but that seldom really works. It's worth a shot, though, unless you're limited to the number of blocks you can place at which point you'll be forced to pick and choose. If your provider allows spammers to get through what is going to happen eventually is that other sites will begin to block your provider if they do in fact police spam. Then you'll have trouble sending and receiving e-mail. That's when you step in and tell your provider that they start blocking spam or you're gone. There's nothing like an irate customer threatening cancellation to spur them into action. If they should not respond by blocking spam, then do follow through and change providers. The primary principle for preventing spam is to avoid mailing to a list. We're all tempted to organize our emails into lists - business clients, friends, and so forth. Then we mail them all the same message. Saves time and effort. The problem here is not that you sent out one message but you didn't use the software necessary to hide each person's email from the others. Not only does this set you up for spam but it's also just plain rude. It's like telling all those folks what your sister-in-law's address and phone number is without first asking her if it's okay to tell the buddy of your best friend's high school teacher where she lives. No, it's not. But where spam is concerned what happens is that a few of those folks are undoubtedly going to add everyone whose address they see to their own list, and send it on and on and on ad infinitum. It snowballs, and sooner or later there's a spammer who receives your name and your e-mail address. Don't sign up with a site that offers you an antispam service. "Sign up with us, they say, and we'll add you to an antispam list." Wrong! They're spammers and you're now on their list.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Is A Trojan Horse Virus?

Many people who have a computer and access to the Internet don't even know what a trojan horse virus is. Sadly, there are even others who seem to assume the trojan and spyware and viruses are the same and this is a misconception.A trojan is a bad type of program that is attached to a useful program that can be downloaded from the Internet. I am not saying all programs on the Internet are dangerous, but some are. When you run the downloaded program the trojan quietly installs itself on your computer.Often trojans are disguised as helpful programs that will scan and remove adware or malware from your computer. The unsuspecting computer user thinks that clicking on a graphic link that says their computer is infected and this 'tool' on the website will clean up their computer. Unfortunately, they are misled and the tool that got downloaded just installed a trojan whose payload may cause all sorts of havoc. I have even heard of video player codecs having a trojan horse virus attached to it.What can trojans do? They can carry just about any kind of destructive payload. They can crash your computer, collect personal information and send it to a specially set up web site in another country. However, the most sinister thing they can do is install what is called a key logger. A key logger records every key press and mouse movement. Do you use your computer for online banking?There are several ways a computer user can actually get one of these viruses on their computer and not even know it. Unless of course, you have a good computer security software program installed on your computer and warnings will show you that you are attempting to download something that has some kind of threat attached to it. Some of the common types can be remote access, data sending, destructive or malicious, proxy, FTP, security software disabling and DOS, so these should be considered when you download from the Internet.You can understand the differences by learning more about what you are up against and also will have a better understanding of just what it is that is trying to invade your computer when you download things from the Internet and in some cases other sources such as checking your email. This is how destructive these trojans really are.There are big differences in the types of viruses, worms and trojans. Much like the trojan horse is named after these programs are designed to make a computer user assume the program itself it for the use of detecting the bad programs on your computer hard drive, when it in fact is the culprit of disaster.While you might think of it as some kind of worm it is not. A worm is in fact something that will initially spread from computer to computer without the computer user having to do anything.So, you see why there should be more emphasis on the concept that these two problems are not the same, although both are just as destructive and you need security to actually see what you have installed on your computer, or what is being downloaded on to your computer.If you have no security programs installed or firewalls present, you are setting yourself up for a bad ending to an invasion of your computer that you won't believe until it literally hits your computer. Then you will be calling your computer friend and ask them to 'fix' your computer by deleting everything and starting over.Trojan horse viruses are on the rise along with malware, spyware and viruses. Make sure you take the time to learn how to protect your computer from these and other threats lurking on the internet.

How to Get Rid of Trojan Vundo

Trojan Vundo is a trojan horse that disguises itself as a .exe program. You may have downloaded it from MIRC, email attachment, or a program that looked like another you were searching for. Once the .exe file is executed, you would have installed this trojanThe following symptom will be displayed on your computer:You will experience multiple pop up advertisements on your Internet Explorer browser every time you surf the web. The reason you know it is Trojan Vundo probably is because your current anti virus detected it. I was running Norton which detected the trojan on my computer but was unable to quarantine or delete the file.Norton is the standard for PC protection for most computers and I can't say exactly why it was able to detect but not remove Trojan Vundo, even after each reboot.Trojan Vundo has many variants and one needs an updated trojan database that is able to detect and remove the newest signatures. Some forums suggest a manual way of accessing the computer's trojan scan log, but that might be too technical. I was looking for a way to remove Trojan Vundo using a simple Trojan Removal Software.So what I did was to get the latest Trojan Removal tool in the market that also offered live technical support in case the pop ups continued. So if you have Trojan Vundo on your computer and your current anti virus tool is not working, you may need to use a focused trojan removal tool to resolve your problem.

Protect your Pc From Trojan Horse

The term Trojan horse instantly reminds us of the classical reference of the battle of Troy, but in present context it's more relevant for malicious computer program. Trojan is basically a program that is hidden in the pretext of being a harmless and attractive software download. When downloaded and executed the Trojan programs can harm a computer system in many ways. A computer that is infected by a Trojan virus can be used by another person, mostly hackers and crackers, for sending emails, uploading and downloading files and data copying or destructions.Trojan horse is spread intentionally by the hackers mainly for using the infected computer for erasing or overwriting data on the computer hard drive, corrupting files, encrypting files of the computer, for uploading and downloading bulk files, logging keystrokes of the user for stealing vital information like passwords of bank accounts and credit card numbers. There are more reasons behind the circulations of Trojan horse virus and they are predominantly wrong business tricks. Trojans can collect email addresses from a computer for spamming. Trojan attacks can also install spyware into the system that keeps track of the user's net behavior a reports data like browsing habits to other people for targeted online marketing.Trojan horse is also used by the black hat hackers or the crackers for criminal activities. They use Trojan to attack a computer and then phish for bank or other account details that are used for criminal activities like unauthorized fund transfers. Another serious threat posed by the Trojan horses is the execution of the RAT or remote administration tool that lets other user to control the activities of the infected computer. This enables the remote user to use the system for criminal activities, for sending spasm for spreading virus and so on.As the Trojan horse viruses are hidden in the software downloads you can not really predict the presence of Trojan. Therefore Trojan attacks are so common these days. In most cases the Trojan first disables the anti virus software of the system and hence it is impossible to protect your system from the malicious activities of the Trojan unless you format the hard disc and do a clean installation. But then with so much vital information on the disc it is not always possible to format the system now and then. In this scenario Trojan horse removal software is the best effective solution you have got.

Removal of Spyware Trojan With Trojan Remover

For removal of spyware Trojan, usual anti virus software are not always effective. Especially for those Trojans that partially or fully disable the anti virus tools, it is impossible to detect the malware and remove that from the system. So, even if you are having an anti virus software installed in your computer you are not always protected from the malicious spyware, adware and Trojan virus.Trojan horses are created by the black hat hackers or crackers with different objectives. Mostly they are delivered to the victim's PC through other downloads, mostly through freeware and MP3 and movie downloads. Trojans are used to erase, overwriting or copy data from the infected computer. It can also corrupt and encrypt files, upload and download files through the internet connection of the infected computer adding the cost of use to that user. Trojan can also steal passwords of bank accounts and credit card numbers by logging the key stokes that is used for criminal activities. Trojans are even circulated for collecting email addresses and then spreading spam emails. Trojan horse poses the threat of installing other malicious software like spyware, adware and porn dialers. Trojans are also used to remotely administrate the infected computer without even the knowledge of the user. Removal spyware Trojan software can protect you from all these threats.Some of the most commonly found Trojan horses are Atwinda, AudioDoor, Autocrat, AutoPWN, Autograph, AutoSpY, Avanzado, Avone, Ayan Bilisim, Azrael, BD Blade runner, Crazy Daisy, Connect4, Donald Dick, Theef, Twelve Tricks, VMLFILL and so on. Everyday different new Trojans are being created and delivered with various levels of threat. An effective removal spyware Trojan tool can protect you from any Trojan threat as the software regularly updates its Trojan database and effectively detects the Trojan from the computer and removes it. So, with Trojan removal software installed in your system you stay protected.With the increasing number of Trojan virus in the World Wide Web you can never be sure of the security of your system. Without an effective tool for removal spyware Trojan, you have to format your hard disk and reinstall the operating system and other application, once your PC gets infected with the deadly Trojan or spyware. Using the facility of internet, you can easily download the anti trojan program and can make you computer insect free for long-long time. So, make sure you get protection from the malware with anti Trojan software.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

antivirus software review

There's an influx of antivirus software in the internet these days. Antivirus software are everywhere in the internet. Article about them are also common. The problem with having too much of one thing is that you will have a hard time selecting the good from the bad. To come up with a list of possible choices one has to compare antivirus software. Comparing is not easy, considering the number of antivirus to compare. Many website are there to help with comparison but they only compare a few. They focus their comparison to selected antivirus that are already there for many years. How about those antivirus software that have just recently started but may also have the ability to perform well? They don't have the chance to be tested and be proven competitive with the popular ones.Popularity There should be a means to compare antivirus software not based on popularity but with their ability to thwart virus attacks. I have read articles that compare antivirus software and they are impressive. They test antivirus software based on how they detect known virus. Many antivirus software fared very well. Others did not do well because they were not able to detect new virus. The problem is that they limit their comparison to a chosen few. What about those that are left out? How will they be given a chance?Who says So?There are also those who compare antivirus software based on what the company that made them has to say about their product. I don't know if this is reliable enough. There are people who claim to have done something but if you ask them to do it they can't. There are just too many people who tell lies this days. I don't say that all of them are liars but who would know the difference between an honest company from a lying one. They all write pretty good things about their products. Who would say bad things about something they themselves made?Who's Initiative?The initiative to compare antivirus software should come from people other that those who made it or have any vested interest about it. The objective of the comparison should be to help people in choosing the right antivirus and not to promote one. People would love to know the truth about antivirus. There are already so much antivirus out there. It's already difficult to know all of them. Another product profile may turn buyers off. What people need is honest, comprehensive, fair and accurate comparison of antivirus software based on performance and ability to protect computers from virus attacks.It may take a long time before anyone can compare antivirus software comprehensively. That would be very difficult to do considering that there are so much of these products in the market today. There are also many things to consider. A definite plan should be established first before the factual, realistic and unbiased way to compare antivirus software is realized.For now to determine which antivirus software is right for you should visit for honest Antivirus Software Reviews

antivirus scan

Running Windows applications on a computer connected to the Internet without antivirus software is insanity to say the least. There are countless viruses and worms that can be introduced via the Internet to any computer. Your wisest investment for your computer is your antivirus software. It should also be your highest priority to purchase.For the benefit of the new computer user, let's explain what a virus scanner is. Authors of viruses and worms insert code into programs that will do damage to a target computer if run. This code can come in the form of a file with a .exe extension on the filename or as a Microsoft Word or Excel macro. These are the most popular delivery methods. What happens usually is that you will receive an email attachment or your web browser will run a script and it will invoke the damaging code. Damages are invoked depending on the virus. Some will deny you further access to the Internet. Some will even install there own email sender and spread the virus to everyone in your Outlook address book by sending unsolicited mails with the virus attached. The reason you need an antivirus program is so that it can catch the introduction of this software into your computer and either delete it or isolate it in some way. Folks work to discover the attributes of a new virus and then write ways into the antivirus software to detect the virus or worm. This is called detecting the "signature" of the virus or worm.Many new computers come with an antivirus package already pre-installed. These pre-installed antivirus packages come with a 90-day evaluation license for automatic updates of virus definitions. When the 90-day period expires, you are given the choice to renew the license for usually a year or if you do not want their product then you can buy another one. If you continue to use the antivirus program you will probably not receive updates of new signatures and therefore will not have protection from new viruses. This is where you would be wise to shop a little more to find the antivirus scanning program that meets your needs. Freeware antivirus software is virtually nonexistent. Usually if you do find a freeware antivirus program it does not have three very important features. The first feature is the ability for it to scan for viruses introduced into memory or while Windows is running. This is an automatic scanning feature that requires no human interaction. The second feature is the ability for virus and worm signature updates to be automatically applied via the Internet. You also have to manually download the signature updates and apply them. The third feature has to do with support. You do not get the vendor support for freeware antivirus programs like you do with the ones you pay for. You might find information on Internet forums but the live technical support from the vendor is just not there.Microsoft has an excellent program where you can get 90-day trials of antivirus programs. These are fully functional trials and you can see how they will work with your system. The link to this offer is at: them out and pick the one that suits you the best. Make sure you check out the Discounts tab ( because you will probably find an antivirus package that qualifies for a vendor discount making it even more fitting to your budget. Some antivirus programs may not work well on your system because they are resource-intensive. Keep in mind that the automatic scanning has to do this task at periodic intervals and this will consume resources such as memory and processor time. So by comparing all the trial antivirus programs you can be certain of the one that will work the best for you before you spend money on licensing it for your use.

web antivirus

Few greater security threats exist on the Internet than rogue security tools. iSafe Antivirus is just one of many programs that were created with the thought that it wasn’t enough to just infect computers with advertising software. They take it a step further, going from being merely annoying to being unapologetically criminal.
One could almost say with the presence of rogue security tools that adware and spyware are passé. Rogue software like iSafe Antivirus certainly does represent a new generation of infections. Unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible for the creators to be arrested and jailed at this time.
The concept that iSafe Antivirus and its ilk operate from is pretty simple. Secretly infect a computer, make the user think that they’re the only ones who can get rid of it, charge them an arm and a leg for it, and don’t deliver as promised. That’s the scam in summary.
“How does iSafe Antivirus infect a computer?” you might ask. They lie in wait at infected websites. The websites more often than not involve watching videos, especially ones that might involve copyright violations by their presence. Adult content Web sites have been noted as being infected as well. Web sites can be easily cloned, so there’s no sure answer on how to avoid them.
An infection from iSafe Antivirus begins the moment you click on an infected icon. It shows you that you’re downloading a video codec, which is actually the Zlob Trojan Downloader. This program bypasses your computer’s security and installs iSafe Antivirus.
From there, iSafe Antivirus takes over. You get a pop-up that asks you if you want a scan, and regardless of your answer, it starts. It then tells you that your computer has a virus infection. Not just any virus infection, but the very mother of infections. Your computer would have already crashed if it was true.
Then, iSafe Antivirus tells you that you have to get their full version to clean up your computer. This is where the truly criminal part begins. First of all, it’s a scam, if you’re lucky. The software doesn’t work; it’s only a shell program. But that’s not as bad as it gets.
There is full potential if you buy iSafe Antivirus that they will steal your identity. Corrupt people have access to your credit account, and there’s really no telling what they’ll do with it. Is that a risk that you’re willing to take?
Even if you avoid this problem, you still have to get rid of iSafe Antivirus. That is, unless you like being interrupted every ten minutes by a so called virus scan. It’s also set up to run every time you boot your computer, so a restart doesn’t lay it to rest, either.
To clarify a possible mistake when trying to get rid of iSafe Antivirus, you should know that it’s not a virus. Rogue security tools are a bundle of spyware, so you should use an antispyware program, not an antivirus to get rid of them. Make sure that you have the best available.

good antivirus

Having a good antispyware suite is an important thing. Many people think that if they have a good antivirus program, that they’re set. They don’t realize that antivirus programs don’t do anything with spyware, which is actually a more common threat than virus infections. With that in mind, it’s pretty safe to say that most people don’t know what to look for in an antispyware program. They may even think that one’s just as good as another, which is definitely not the case. In fact, if you’re not careful, you may be downloading spyware instead of a new security tool!All antispyware software is designed to find and remove spyware from a computer. However, there are several elements to this that many programs differ on. First of all, ideally, a scan should go quickly. This has a wide variance among the different programs; it can be anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour for a full scan.Of course, these scans should be thorough, and some people may think that a program is more thorough if it takes longer. That isn’t so. There is no debate whether a file is infected or not in a scan. It either is or isn’t. Computers don’t scratch their heads.What thoroughness really depends on is the size of the program’s spyware definition library. Spyware updates are release frequently, so these libraries need to be updated frequently, too. This can happen within minutes of a spyware’s release or it can take as long as a week to update. How long it takes to update a spyware library is how long you’re exposed to a given threat. Obviously, you don’t want it to take very long.One would think that if an antispyware program can recognize spyware, it could remove it. Unfortunately, that’s just not so, either. Sometimes a fix isn’t ready, or it’s a more complicated procedure that involves special booting methods, or it can be a straightforward fix. I’m pretty sure everyone would want to invest as little work as possible into a fix.The presence of spyware protection is also a sign of a good spyware removal software. Some spyware removers consider this as an optional program, so it’s not always included. The more top-of-the-line programs, however, see the benefit of preventing infections rather than cleaning them if possible. Again, just because a program recognizes spyware, it doesn’t mean that it can prevent it. The process for protection often goes more slowly than fixes, but the idea is the fewer infections, the better. Of course, ideally, a spyware suite would have fixes and protection against all spyware that it recognizes, and would stay up-to-date as quickly as possible. This, however, is a truly rare set of qualities in a security tool suite. Finding such things as 100% removal guarantees is also very unique. Finally, you shouldn’t have to spend your life’s savings to get spyware protection. Some companies think that if they have more stuff, you should pay more. This shouldn’t always be the case. The bottom line is, do your due diligence when buying an antispyware program. And remember: Buyer Beware

F-Secure Antivirus Research Weblog

Blog: No Adware Spyware Tool